What Is Botox Injection - Reviews of Botox Injection

What Is Botox Injection - Reviews of Botox Injection 

Advantages and disadvantages of Botox injections, with age, this begins to affect the skin with varying degrees of severity and different in the rate of increase depending on many factors such as: the general health of the body, the extent of skin health care, age, and the extent of the impact of psychological pressure, which is reflected over Use sharp facial expressions such as facial expressions when anger, fear, and tension. With the increasing interest in beauty and the advancement of cosmetic medicine has been reached Botox injections effective in the fight against these signs and you can learn about what Botox and the most important information about its use by continuing to read this article presented to you from the encyclopedia site .


How to Prepare for Botox Injections
Botox injection
After the use of Botox injections
Cons of using Botox injections
Risks of using Botox injections


Botox refers to a toxin produced by a bacterium called Colestriadiam butylinum. Its effectiveness is to relax the muscles in the area around the injection site. Because of this, Botox is injected into areas such as the forehead and between the eyebrows, which relaxes the muscles in those areas and eliminates wrinkles.

How to Prepare for Botox Injections

Injections do not require a lot of preparedness as the preparedness is limited to avoid some types of treatments such as:

Muscle relaxants.
Allergy treatments.
Hypnotic drugs.
Vitamins extracted from fish oil.
Blood-thinning medications.

Botox injection

The injection period ranges from a few minutes to ½ hour. The amount of Botox used varies from case to case depending on several factors, the most important of which is the intensity of wrinkles. Botox is injected in one or more areas as needed. The areas injected into the face are:

Both sides of the eye (place of grim marks).
Down the nose.
Sides of the mouth.
Down the lips.
Down the jaw.
The time of injection results varies relatively from case to case; some appear directly in some cases and appear within one to two days in others. The results of the injection last for a few months and then the effect begins to finish gradually.

After the use of Botox injections

The doctor 's instructions for the period after the injection are limited to avoiding several types of treatments, and to rest while taking into account the avoidance of moving muscles of the face as well as to avoid looking down as much as possible. The doctor determines the duration of compliance with these guidelines, but the time period to do so is short.

Cons of using Botox injections

Cons are the common symptoms after injection such as:

the pain.
In some cases, headaches occur. Injections may also cause the muscles of the eyelids and face to relax.

Risks of using Botox injections

Risks occur in case of injection failure. Examples include:

Eyebrow appearance disorder.
Large front area.
Inertia of lower lips.
It should be noted here that these risks disappear after the end of the period of Botox effect.

Note that the article is only indicative; therefore, you should seek professional medical advice before using Botox. It is worth mentioning here that accepting yourself as you are now is the key factor to how beautiful you look and that reducing the rate of being affected by signs of aging depends largely on how much you care about your physical and mental health.


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